
Case Studies

See how clients are benefiting from our services.

Recare, Unscheduled Treatment Plans & Incoming Phone Calls

Client: Dental Practice in Denver, North Carolina

Challenge: This Dental office was putting off calling their patients that were due for a Hygiene appointment and patients that have unscheduled treatment plans. Additionally, the office staff was getting tied up with incoming phone calls and some calls eventually went to voicemail.

Solution: National Recall’s Live Patient Care Coordinators calls all patients that are due for a hygiene appointment and patients that have treatments plans but haven’t schedule an appointment to start the treatment or continue the treatment. The office also forwarded their incoming phone call to National Recalls to be answered. National Recalls schedules appointments for the office, provide’s information to patients and transfers calls to the office.

Results: Patients are routinely and consistently coming in for their hygiene and teeth cleaning appointments. Patients that had unscheduled treatment plans are currently on track to get their treatments completed. No phone call goes unanswered, and the office staff is relieved they no longer have to focus their time on answering the phone.

Incoming Phone Call Relief

Client: Optometry practice that operates 100+ stores in seven US states & Puerto Rico.

Challenge: The company’s phone number listed on their website went to an automated call tree. They found patients routinely hung up when they realized it was an automated system. Patients had trouble navigating the phone tree and getting routed to the appropriate person or location. This caused a loss of new patients and frustrated existing patients.

Solution: All incoming calls are forwarded to National Recalls, and a live patient care coordinator answers every call. National Recalls schedules new and existing patient appointments, answers insurance questions, location questions, provides information on current promotions, COVID procedures, etc. If needed, transfers calls to the patient’s preferred store.

Result: The volume of new and established patient appointments increased. All phones calls are being answered by a live person ready to help. Patients were left with a positive phone call experience.

Incoming Phone Call Relief

Client: Optometry practice that operates 100+ stores in seven US states & Puerto Rico.

Challenge: The company’s phone number listed on their website went to an automated call tree. They found patients routinely hung up when they realized it was an automated system. Patients had trouble navigating the phone tree and getting routed to the appropriate person or location. This caused a loss of new patients and frustrated existing patients.

Solution: All incoming calls are forwarded to National Recalls, and a live patient care coordinator answers every call. National Recalls schedules new and existing patient appointments, answers insurance questions, location questions, provides information on current promotions, COVID procedures, etc. If needed, transfers calls to the patient’s preferred store.

Result: The volume of new and established patient appointments increased. All phones calls are being answered by a live person ready to help. Patients were left with a positive phone call experience.

Recare, Reactivations & No Show/Cancellations Calls

Client: Chiropractic practice in Georgia with 3 locations.

Challenge: The office couldn’t keep up with calling their patients that were currently due, or haven’t been seen in years for an adjustment. Additionally, the office didn’t have time to call back patients that canceled or did not show up to an appointment. Patients were not coming back on a regular basis since they weren’t reminded they were due for an appointment.

Solution: National Recalls personally calls all the patients that are currently due for an adjustment and patients that haven’t been seen in years. They call the patients 3 times within in 2-3 month period for an increased chance of reaching the patient and scheduling an appointment. National Recalls also calls patients that cancelled an appointment or were a no-show.

Results: The practice saw an increase in patient appointments and an increase in revenue. Patients that haven’t been into the office in years are coming back and paying for additional services. National Recalls has already reactivated 70 patients that haven’t been seen since 2016!

Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Client: Optometry Practice in Carrollton, Georgia.

Challenge: This is a popular optometry office in a close-knit community. The practice’s reputation with their patients is of the utmost importance. In order to uphold their good reputation, they needed valuable feedback from patients about their experience. However, they found when the office performed the surveys in-house patients were not comfortable being completely candid about their experience. Since the majority of patients planned on returning to the office they didn’t want to run the risk of insulting the office or the person performing the survey.

Solution: National Recalls calls their patients, as a third party, to perform the patient satisfaction surveys. The practice realized the feedback National Recalls was receiving from patients was substantially more valuable than the feedback they received when performing the surveys in-house.

Result: The practice gained important patient insight about their practice they would have otherwise not been made aware of. An added bonus is when patients provide beneficial feedback National Recalls encourages them to complete a review on Google and Yelp. National Recalls goes a step further and even emails the link directly to the patient to make it easier for them to complete the Google or Yelp review.

Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Client: Optometry Practice in Carrollton, Georgia.

Challenge: This is a popular optometry office in a close-knit community. The practice’s reputation with their patients is of the utmost importance. In order to uphold their good reputation, they needed valuable feedback from patients about their experience. However, they found when the office performed the surveys in-house patients were not comfortable being completely candid about their experience. Since the majority of patients planned on returning to the office they didn’t want to run the risk of insulting the office or the person performing the survey.

Solution: National Recalls calls their patients, as a third party, to perform the patient satisfaction surveys. The practice realized the feedback National Recalls was receiving from patients was substantially more valuable than the feedback they received when performing the surveys in-house.

Result: The practice gained important patient insight about their practice they would have otherwise not been made aware of. An added bonus is when patients provide beneficial feedback National Recalls encourages them to complete a review on Google and Yelp. National Recalls goes a step further and even emails the link directly to the patient to make it easier for them to complete the Google or Yelp review.

LIVE Patient Care Services

The Best in the Business

We've been around for over 14 years. Our quality is over the top, second to none.
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Contact US

National Recalls is a comprehensive solution for all things Patient Care. Our HIPAA certified, live representatives are trained and ready to answer your inbound calls, schedule appointments, place follow up calls, and seamlessly become an extension of your practice—all with unmatched customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions


Since National Recalls has been in business for over 14 years, we have worked with several different systems. Most likely we have experience using your system. However, during the onboarding call, we'll access your system to ensure we have a clear understanding of all your system's nuances.

We have experience scheduling appointments for specialty practices with multiple doctors and multiple locations, and we have seen everything under the sun in regards to practice management systems and scheduling.


If you use web or cloud practice management software, we would request a login and password. If you do not, National Recalls securely accesses your practice management software through a designated computer in your office using remote access. We can walk you through this simple set-up or work with your IT department. This allows us to schedule patients and work within your system as if we were right there in the office next to you. Everything done within your computer system is accompanied by a time, date and the initials "NR" (for National Recalls) so you can see what we've done: you can even watch us on your computer while we work!


National Recalls provides live HIPAA Certified Patient Care Coordinators. We strive to answer all incoming calls, however, we are not an "everybody grab everything" call center. Based on call volume we train and assign a certain number of patient care coordinators to answer your incoming calls. We like to keep the same patient care coordinators assigned to your account, that way they get to know the ins and outs of your office, scheduling procedures, scripts, etc.

We strive to keep our capture rates at 90% or above, however, if the patient care coordinator misses a call it goes to a custom voicemail for each location. When the agent is off the phone they will listen to the voicemail and call the patient back.

We can also offer call queue options - if the agent is not able to answer a call the patient can be put on hold for specific amount of time while the agent wraps up their existing call.


Absolutely, National Recalls abides by all Federal and State laws and is one of the few providers with representatives that are fully HIPAA certified and use only the most secure tools to access our partners' database. We have an IT team to ensure all of our processes and systems are encrypted, secure and HIPAA compliant.

What Sets Us Apart ?

We Integrate With All Types of EMRs And Practice Management Systems

Don’t See Your System Listed? Just Ask Us, We Work With ALL Systems!